Try It

You will use another excerpt from Twelve Years a Slave to practice reading closely to look for the central idea. As you read, you will annotate and answer some Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) questions. This means that you will have to use the text, make inferences, and locate specific words, phrases and sentences that will help you answer questions about what you have read.

The next excerpt takes place on Northup's journey to a life of slavery in the South. The slaveholders taking Northup south also have another slave named Eliza and her two children. Read their story that follows, as told to us in Northup's memoir.
Girl reading carefully

Specific words and phrases can help you understand the meaning of the text.


An EBSR question asks you to choose the evidence that supports your answer.

Download the Read Like This - Try It worksheet. Read the excerpt on the worksheet and annotate it. After you finish your annotations, answer the questions that follow in the quiz below.